So Rainbow's your game?

Ok 1st thing....

A team is something everyone needs in this game because this game is about teamwork.
If your team is randoms they might not help you at all or even team kill. People are as good as you know them .
It is best to have a squad of your friends that you can feel confortable talking to and can communicate clearly. If you want to see this watch my youtube with me and my friend communicating.
Communication Video

2nd Thing

Your gear is what makes you win or lose rounds or even games!
Yes this might look like a regular FPS, but its far from that. the gadgets can give you an advantage on the other team faster than you think.
Be sure to always keep your gadgets in mind When playing this game. Using those such as Mute's jammer or Lord Tachanka's turret can give you the advantage.
These things are an essential to each character to know his and her gadgets and arsanal to be able to win.